How to make a heart shaped egg
What you need is :
- Hard Paper ( Eg : paper cardboard )
- Chopstick ( if not have, can use a brush or painting to stick apa2 round)
- Rubber Bracelet
- Newly boiled eggs ( still in soft condition )
How to make :
1- Fold the paper up into a corner in the middle
2- Place the egg in the middle of the paper
3- Take the chopstick and place in the center of the egg by pushing the eggs
4- Fasten tightly with a rubber band
5- Let stand for 15 minutes - so the egg can harden and form
6- After the eggs look sunken in the middle, then it may be opened
7- nosebleed eggs by hand a little bit so that it is heart-shaped
8- Cut the eggs , and see the results . Dishes sure looks awesome
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