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How to Become Taller Naturally After Puberty

How to Become Taller Naturally After Puberty 

High body would be everyone's dream. The rate of increase in height of a person is different and we need to know a few things which factors influence a person's height and also the activities that we need to do to increase our growth rate naturally.

Factors affecting the rate of growth or height of a person

1. Enough Nutrients.
Make sure we get the protein, fat, vitamins (such as vitamins A and D) and minerals (such as iron, calcium, zinc and iodine) are sufficient for this source supply greatly affect body growth process.

2. The Descendants
It also can determine a person's height. Parents who have the ideal body height gives the potential to have children who also have a high ideal.

3. Hormones
Growth hormone functions to stimulate bone growth. Thyroid hormone needed to launch the process of metabolism. Sex hormones, which consists of the hormone estrogen, progesterone and androgen, is in charge of the process of sexual maturation.

Lack of height that sometimes can make us less confidence and not comfortable being in public. Maybe there is not a story with their high, some feel they are more cute if not high enough. And for those who want to solve the problem is not high enough they can actually try the exercise she is able to stimulate the growth of our body.

Exercises that can be done to stimulate growth:

1. Stretching

Movement stretch. So the muscles and bones of the spine are interested. If the movement is done regularly and intensively, it can help stimulate increase height.

2. Standing Forward Bend

Easy movement but actually very effective and this is also one great way to relax and stimulate the spine.

3. Downward Facing Dog

Also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, this is one of the movements of yoga and it is a great way to add height and increase flexibility through stretching your body.

4. Head to Knee

Such a position is called Janu Shirshasana in terms of how good it is a great way to stretch your spine and hamstrings (hamstring) you.
Keep your spine straight to get a good impression of the training.

5. Swimming

During swimming, the whole body will suffer from the body stretching to toe. In addition, almost swimming movements involve all muscles of the body.

6. Hanging

One of the biggest obstacles to become taller is gravity. We spend most of your day in an upright or vertical position. All of gravity all day was compressing the spine and joints, as well as thinning of the cartilage and makes us shorter.

During exercise, the body will release Human Growth Hormone (Human Growth Hormone, HGH) into our body system is a complex hormone that stimulates the bone, muscles, and body cells to increase in size. The better the training is done, there will be more HGH is secreted in our body system.

So anyone who wants a very heightened sense can it try this exercise workout. This method may not work for all because the human body is very different but no one would really try.
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